Measuring Training Results Training Course

On Demand Training > Human Resources Courses > Measuring Training Results Training Course

About Measuring Training Results

While most executives and business owners know that training can have many amazing benefits, it can be hard to prove those benefits with a dollar value to training. Some topics, like sales training or time management, might have direct, tangible benefits. Other topics, like communication or leadership, might have benefits that you can't put a dollar value on.

About this Course

Through the Measuring Results From Training course, participants will learn the various ways to evaluate training progress, and how to use those results to demonstrate the results that training brings. Once the training has been evaluated the next step is to modify and update the curriculum to create content that is better suited for the participants.

Measuring Training Results Course Outline

  1. Getting Started

  2. Kolb's Learning Styles

  3. Kirkpatrick's Levels of Evaluation

  4. Types of Measurement Tools

  5. Focusing the Training

  6. Creating an Evaluation Plan

  7. Assessing Learning before Training

  8. Assessing Learning during Training

  9. Assessing Learning after Training

  10. The Long Term View

  11. Calculating the Return on Investment (ROI)

  12. Wrapping Up


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