Workplace Diversity Training Course
On Demand Training > Human Resources Courses > Workplace Diversity Training Course
About Workplace Diversity
Workplace Diversity training helps employees become more aware of unconscious bias and other barriers to diversity and inclusion, and motivates positive behaviors and attitudes. This is essential for creating and maintaining a respectful, inclusive workplace.
About this Course
The Workshop Diversity course will help participants understand what diversity is, and how they can create a more diverse environment. Participants are instructed on how to use active listening and employ effective questioning techniques. By learning the right complaint resolution skills and choosing the right course of action communication throughout your business will be strengthened.
Workplace Diversity Course Outline
Getting Started
Understanding Diversity
Understanding Stereotypes
Breaking Down the Barriers
Verbal Communication Skills
Non-Verbal Communication Skills
Being Proactive
Coping with Discrimination
Dealing with Diversity Complaints as a Person
Dealing with Diversity Complaints as a Manager
Dealing with Diversity Complaints as an Organization
Wrapping Up