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Digital Transformation – Do or Die?
How to pivot your company using the (TIP)2M model
What paper clips tell us about the future of business
Successfully Transform Your Business Using the B.O.L.T.S Framework
Transformation doesn’t need to be hard. You can demystify the process if you focus your time and energy on five critical pivot points in your business. These five pivot points are the basis for any business transformation process, and you can focus on them using the BOLTS framework.
The Promise-and the Agony of Digital Transformation for Legacy Companies
The companies that successfully leverage the full breadth of digital transformation will emerge as the Intelligent Organizations of the future.
AdvisoryCloud Featured Advisor Interview With Marvin Dejean
Business Futurist Marvin Dejean was interviewed by AdvisoryCloud on 06/20/2019 as part of our Featured Advisor Interview series.
Are Tri-state Employers - and Their Employees - Ready for More Robots?
In order to be globally competitive, Tri-State businesses big and small are increasing their use of robots. A Cincinnati futurist says the region should have a strategic plan involving local governments, corporations and educators.
Doing Good Better: the Change Imperative Driving the Social Sector
One of the reasons companies like Amazon, Apple and Uber are so successful is how they integrate a seamless process for their customers to get what they need without much thought. Why should giving be any different? Come to think of it, why should receiving services be any different as well? Whether providing services or receiving dollars, organizations need to look at the bigger picture on how they operate in a larger ecosystem.
Why You Should Focus on Your Customer Experience Strategy
Customer experience is expected to overtake price and product as the number one brand differentiator over the next 5 years. Almost nine out of 10 organizations say they expect to be competing primarily on the basis of how they interact with customers.
Can Your Company Really Survive the Future?
So, the question on every business owners’ and executives’ mind should be “How do we survive the future? And how much ramp time do we really have?”. Looking toward the future requires looking at your business model, your sector and indeed adjacent ones with a new eye and a willingness to create a new model altogether.
Five Steps to Becoming an Intelligent Organization
What companies and organizations will no longer have at their disposal will be the over abundance of time they depended on before the competition could overtake their sector. The velocity of the market is quickly pushing companies toward adaptability at breakneck speed. And, just like all other turbulent changes, it is those who adapt the fastest who will survive the oncoming tsunami.
The Creative Destruction Revolution Is Here- and, No Industry Will Ever Be the Same Again
The age of disruption is upon us, but with a little bit of planning and foresight, you don’t need to be one of its latest victims.
Is Your Transformation Journey on the Right Track?
The second key element of a transformational process is equipping staff (including executives) with the new mental models and tools that will help them easily make the shift.
What Is Human-centered Design?
Human-centered design is a creative approach to problem solving and the backbone of our work at It’s a process that starts with the people you’re designing for and ends with new solutions that are tailor made to suit their needs
Is Your Agility Being Tested Like Never Before?
The Age of Agility is upon us, and it is time for you and your team to become students of agility, in particular for CEOs and Executives of mid-market companies and corporations.
Microsoft's World View of the Future of Our Lives
This wonderful video created by Microsoft is one of my favorites. It depicts a view of the future and how we will interact with technology, each other and the world around us.
Build Innovative Teams Through the Use of Interactive Simulations
Experience Innovation is an energizing workshop that challenges teams to flex their creativity to solve a realistic and complex design challenge.
Innovate Like You Mean It
Take a few minutes and think about the following questions:
Why are manhole covers round?
What is the color of the universal Yield sign on all major highways?
What Businesses Need Now More Than Ever
Companies and organizations are at a crossroad-The long heralded age of disruption is upon us and the feverish pace of change is visiting every industry imaginable.
Developing Corporate Agility Is Focus of 'Wheel$pin'
In his new book, “Wheel$pin, The Agile Executive’s Manifesto: Accelerate Your Growth, Leverage Your Value, Beat Your Competition,“ author Mike Richardson explains corporate agility and how it can help companies thrive no matter what the state of the economy.