Overcoming Sales Objections Training Course

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About Overcoming Sales Objections

Overcoming Sales Objections is a common part of the sales process. Learning to handles objections will open up a whole new set of new sales and help build an ongoing relationship with clients. Objections happen, no matter the product or service being sold.

About this Course

Through the Overcoming Sales Objections course, participants will learn how to work through the objection and move forward to get the sale. Even the best quality services or items can be turned down, and learning how to overcome these denials will be of great benefit.

Overcoming Sales Objections Course Outline

  1. Getting Started

  2. Three Main Factors

  3. Seeing Objections as Opportunities

  4. Getting to the Bottom

  5. Finding a Point of Agreement

  6. Have the Client Answer Their Own Objection

  7. Deflating Objections

  8. Unvoiced Objections

  9. The Five Steps

  10. Dos and Don'ts

  11. Sealing the Deal

  12. Wrapping Up


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